​​​The Student Cafe Learning Games 
Middle School, High School, College, 

Life-long Learning

​​English                                       Social Studies


​Elements of Poetry

Elements of a Story

​Figurative Speech


Geronimo 1 Verbs

Geronimo 2 Prepositions

Geronimo 3 Parts of Speech

​Subject-Verb Agreement 1

Subject-Verb Agreement 2

​General Site Information

Randy Loves Winter

Randy Loves Winter

Fill-in the Blanks

Look at the words in the box. Then read the story. Type your answers in the boxes. Press "Check" to see if you're answer is right. Trouble? Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter. Click [?] for help, too. Too much help? Oops, you'll lose some points.
   came      can't      felt      had      hit      I      in the      love      made      me      Randy      Reindeer      this      threw      to make      up      was      went   

randyskiing Hi there! I'm RANDOLPH, the Red Nosed . (I'm RUDOLPH'S cuter brother.) You can just call me .

I everything about winter. Last winter I snowboarding for the first time. It awesome! I skiing too, but really wiped out.

I love snowmen every winter, too. Last winter, I a snowman all by myself. Later that day, my friends over and we a snowball fight. My friends so many snowballs at me. They had a lot more snowballs than I .

They me in the head. They hit in the leg. They hit me antlers. antlersf Finally I gave . (That's me waving the white flag.) I like a big chicken instead of a cute reindeer, but I fun.

I wait until it snows again year!