​​​The Student Cafe Learning Games 
Middle School, High School, College, 

Life-long Learning

​​English                                       Social Studies


​Elements of Poetry

Elements of a Story

​Figurative Speech


Geronimo 1 Verbs

Geronimo 2 Prepositions

Geronimo 3 Parts of Speech

​Subject-Verb Agreement 1

Subject-Verb Agreement 2

​General Site Information

Who Could Have Done It - Part 2 (The Case of Geronimo's Headdress)

Who Could Have Done It - Part 3 (The Case of Geronimo's Headdress)

Fill-in the Blanks

Look at the words in the box. Then read the story. Type your answers in the boxes. Press "Check" to see if you're answer is right. Trouble? Use the "Hint" button to get a free letter. Click [?] for help, too. Too much help? Oops, you'll lose some points.
   as      containing      for      in      that      to      trying      with      working   
The story below is a continuation of The Case of Geronimo's Headress - Part 1 -To review the story, click on the back arrow <=.
This exercise will help with verb pairs and -ing participial phrases. Have fun and solve the mystery! headdress.gif
On September 7, 1999, an FBI agent undercover, sent an e-mail message to the person to sell Geronimo's headdress on the Internet. In the e-mail, the agent said he was interested buying the headdress. A man acting a broker telephoned the undercover agent to tell him that the war bonnet or headdress was still available and said the price had risen $1.2 million. The agent asked pictures of the headdress and two days later, the agent received a package pictures of a full headdress of eagle feathers, and a copy of The Bald Eagle Protection Act, prohibiting the sale of the war bonnet. The agent sent the photos to the US Fish and Wildlife Service and it was confirmed the feathers in the photograph were indeed, eagle feathers.
So who could it have been? Who was broker representing? Do you think it was a relative of C.W. Deming? The FBI agent engaged numerous telephone conversations with the broker and during the conversations the broker stated that the current owner of the headdress was, in fact, Leighton Deming, an attorney and grandson of the late C.W. Deming!
On October 12, 1999, the broker and Deming met the FBI undercover agent and made the sale of the headdress for $1 million. At this point, both men were placed under arrest. In February 2000, Deming pleaded guilty violation of the Bald Eagle Protection Act. The sale of this headdresss violated the Bald Eagle Protection Act, the Migratory Bird Protection Act, and the Laced Act. These statutes were enacted to ensure the survival of the American Eagle as our nation's symbol. The FBI site does not state where the headdresss is at the present time.
with permission from: http://www.fbi.gov/hq/cid/arttheft/recoveries/geronimo/geronimo.htm