​​​The Student Cafe Learning Games 
Middle School, High School, College, 

Life-long Learning

​​English                                       Social Studies


​Elements of Poetry

Elements of a Story

​Figurative Speech


Geronimo 1 Verbs

Geronimo 2 Prepositions

Geronimo 3 Parts of Speech

​Subject-Verb Agreement 1

Subject-Verb Agreement 2

​General Site Information

Whispers of Love and Change in 1968

YOUR REVIEW would be so welcome!
"Falling Idols," is a "coming of age" story to which every teacher can relate. It's set in the '60s, but relevant to any teacher who has gone through a rigorous training program.

Ages 5-8

A delightful story about finding out Super Power in our differences. 

For little left-handers

and alll children who, at times, feel "left out."  

Beautifully illustrated and Written 

ONLY $7.99

"Stories to Go"

The Turkey in the Living Room

A Gift From My Daughter

Darn Emerson
Little Church of the Innerdoor Bed​

Billie here:  I had these designed
especially for left-hander like me!.
It's my favorite mug

Cool Audiobook -written and narrated by Billie Kelpin

Listen FREE    https://www.billiekelpin.com/audiobooks

Set in 1968, Falling Idols follows Kate Kensington, a determined young woman in her final year of a prestigious deaf education program. As the country reels from political turmoil, Kate faces her own crisis—her once-inspiring professor now champions the oral method, opposed by the deaf community.

With graduation looming, she must choose between standing by the director who shaped her future or risking everything to support the movement for change. In a world demanding courage, will Kate find her voice in time--and will Johnny O'Conner be the one to help her do it?

​         "Left-Handers Rock"
​This Design is EXCLUSIVE to Language Rocks! 
On Etsy.  Click Here

We'll Customize a Memory Game for Your Classroom, Website, Business, Family, Friends Click Here: 

Score:   Best  ___  New Game
8-13 = Super!    14-19 = AweSome!
20-25 = Great     26 up = Keep Trying
  8-13 =  Super!     14-19 =    AweSome!
20-25 =  Great     26 up =    Keep Trying
Fast-Slow    Level 

Celtic Magic
A Game of Irish Fun at LanguageRocks.com 

Try Both Levels