​​​The Student Cafe Learning Games 
Middle School, High School, College, 

Life-long Learning

​​English                                       Social Studies


​Elements of Poetry

Elements of a Story

​Figurative Speech


Geronimo 1 Verbs

Geronimo 2 Prepositions

Geronimo 3 Parts of Speech

​Subject-Verb Agreement 1

Subject-Verb Agreement 2

​General Site Information


Your choice of game colors.
Select Your "buttons"
​We'll do the rest!  
Let friends interact with your pup
​on Social Media, your Website...

  Score:   Best  __    New Game
     8-13=Super!       14-19=AweSome
Great          26 up=Keep Trying

link to left-handed mug with girl image on Etsy

Click Here to find out more!

Watch for Special Offers, too! 

Little Henry, the Shih Tzu


We'll Make this Game with YOUR Pup's Pictures

link to left-handed mug, boy image on Etsy

The perfect gift for the left-hander in YOUR life

Left-Handers Rock!

We Can Make this Classic Concentration Game
​ with YOUR sweet pup's pictures!
Excellent Pricing, Just Submit Pictures.